Here at depressionexam.com, we specialize in working with people who are unemployed and suffering from depression. If that's you - then you want to talk to us.
Unemployment + Depression = You need extra motivation, a bigger safety net, a team helping you find your way back to the next job.
That's where we come in. We help.
Depression and unemployment can be a deadly combination - literally. Who amongst us have not felt the pressures of being unemployed and living off of savings, your 401K, wondering about the future, wondering if you are going to make it thru this patch in life? Sometimes really dark thoughts pop up.
That's what a normal fully functional human worries about when they are unemployed.
Now throw all of that onto a person who is dealing with major depression. That's not a good situation.
If you are saying to yourself - yes - that's me. Then you should call us.
It can really blow a person's world up when you go from making good money - to nothing - and impact everything around you. Your friends, your family, your work associates - past and present. And all of this takes a toll on you.
If any of this rings true or you know of someone who does - please know that help and aid may be available.
To find out more about your situation call us.
Depression is a common illness, but many do not fully understand it, know the symptoms, or know what to do if they are experiencing depression. Below is some information to help you better understand the illness, assess your level of depression and evaluate options for treatment.
What Is Depression?
Everyone has experienced feeling sad or unhappy, but when do these feelings become a concern? If these feelings last for weeks or months this can be a sign of depression. Depression is an illness that affects people emotionally, physically, mentally, socially and/or spiritually. Depression can be so intense and last so long that it can interfere with your daily life, and affect your sleep, eating habits, energy, work performance, relationships, and lead to suicidal thinking. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts now, or if you are worried that a loved one is thinking about suicide, we encourage you to go to the suicide prevention portion of this website now.
If you are struggling with depression, you are not alone. It is one of the most common chronic health conditions in the world. It is estimated that 7-12% of men and 20-25% of women will suffer from depression at some point in their lifetime (1). According to a survey at Gustavus, 17% of Gusties say that they suffer from depression (2). Depression does not discriminate on the basis of race or social class. Anyone can suffer from depression.
If you think you are one of the many people who suffer from depression, help is available and healing is really possible. Mental health and medical professionals can help you determine if you are experiencing depression, or if there is another cause for your symptoms. They can also provide effective treatment if, in fact, you do have depression. Most people benefit from a combination of treatments, including counseling, exercise, changes in diet, lifestyle changes, and, at times, medication. There are also many self-help strategies that can be beneficial, and some are provided below. Finding the right combination of strategies is important, you are encouraged to work with someone who can help you identify alternatives that can work for you.
Dealing With Stigma
Many people are afraid of the stigma that is sometimes associated with depression. In general, our culture does not have a good understanding of depression, its causes or effective treatments. As a result, stereotypes and misinformation abound, including the beliefs that people with depression are just lazy or weak, or that they should be able to "suck it up." If you or a loved one has suffered with depression, you know that these stereotypes and misinformation are harmful, as well as untrue. They perpetuate the stigma attached to mental health conditions and can be painful and shaming.
There are ways to cope with stigma and combat it. Many illnesses, including depression, are gaining more acceptance and empathy as more education is provided to the public. Most people find that if they tell family or friends about their depression they receive support, not judgment, from those they love. Naming your illness as depression can be useful because once you have an accurate diagnosis, it’s not just a label — it’s a guide to proper care and healing.
Depression is a common illness, but many do not fully understand it, know the symptoms, or know what to do if they are experiencing depression. Below is some information to help you better understand the illness, assess your level of depression and evaluate options for treatment.
What Are Some Of The Ways That Depression Can Affect You?
There are many ways depression can affect people, and each person is different. Some of the common problems people experience are listed below. In order to be diagnosed with depression, people must have multiple symptoms for at least two consecutive weeks.
It can affect the way you think
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty making decisions
Critical thoughts about yourself
Unusually forgetful
Frequent thoughts about death and/or suicide (LINK to suicide prevention)
It can affect they way you feel
Sad, hopeless, empty
Irritable, angry, moody
Emotional numbness
Diminished pleasure from activities
Feelings of low self-worth
Feeling pessimistic
Feeling alienated or isolated from others
Unnecessary feelings of guilt
It can affect the way your body works
Changes in sleep patterns, either insomnia or sleeping too much
Changes in appetite and/or weight
Fatigue or loss of energy
Headaches, muscle aches
Stomach and back pain
Significant decline in personal hygiene
It can affect your relationships
Increased dependency on others
Withdrawing from friends and family
Feeling unworthy of love and support from friends and family
Avoiding people
Impoverished friendships
Frequent bickering or fighting
Highly critical of others
Frequent impatience or frustration with others
Emotionally or physically abusing others
It can affect your academic or work performance
Poor class attendance
Missing work
Decline in academic or work performance
Severe procrastination or difficulty concentrating
Pattern of asking for extensions or dropping classes
Chronic indecisiveness affecting things such as paper topics, course selection, and/or choice of major or career
Give us a call or drop a line and let's talk about your situation. The call and advice are free.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Have you noticed yourself doing things differently lately?
If you’re not feeling right, your behavior is likely to be affected.
You might not have realized that these changes on the outside had anything to do with the way you are feeling or thinking on the inside.
Are unhelpful feelings and thoughts taking over your life?
Distress is when our feelings and thoughts get out of control and start to take over. It’s worth having a close look at how you have been thinking or feeling lately.
Have you noticed any of these changes in yourself?