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Out of work?  Call me at 1-213-716-2364 to discuss your options or simply click on the start test button below


What follows are several short tests that should only take 5 minutes of your time and they will help answer 2 questions.

1.  The current state of your sadness and or depression.  The questionnaire we use is the PHQ-9.  One of the most commonly used questionnaires to assess depression.

2.  Your financial eligibility to receive SDI benefits from the State of California.


Take the first self-test to help figure out whether you’re showing any of the warning signs of depression. This won’t give you a diagnosis but it will help you decide the next step.

Taking the second test will help determine if you are eligible for State benefits and if so give you an idea of how much.

After completing the tests you will be given an opportunity to schedule a one on one phone call to discuss the next steps.


By proceeding you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and our privacy policy.


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